Worried about the safety of your car? A hotel in Frankfurt allows customers to park their cars on the balcony

A hotel in Frankfurt offers balcony parking for cars, ensuring their safety

【Phoneauto News】I believe many people have encountered the problem of finding a suitable parking space when driving to a hotel. These parking spaces may be poorly located, overcrowded, or have safety hazards. A German hotel has solved all these problems in the best way possible by allowing customers to park their cars on their own balconies.

Recently, a foreign netizen shared on Instagram about such a unique hotel. The b’Mine Hotel at Frankfurt Airport offers a very special service for tourists. The CarLoft rooms in the hotel allow you to bring your car into your own room instead of leaving it on the street or in a multi-story parking lot. It not only makes parking more convenient but also allows customers to admire their vehicles from the comfort of their beds.

According to the netizen, the check-in process is no different from usual, but once you have the key card to your room, a different experience begins. Drive around to the back of the hotel, then swipe the key card, and one of the two car elevators will come down to greet you. Then, you can drive into the elevator, which will take you and your car directly to your room. After that, you just need to drive out of the elevator and enter your private balcony.

Some people may think that this level of service is very expensive, but it’s not actually the case. According to the netizen, the rooms with balcony parking options cost about 250 euros per night (approximately 1925 RMB). This is also a good way to ensure the safety of the car, as only the room owner can enter the balcony parking space with the key card. The hotel also provides charging services for electric cars.

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