Huawei and Deep Blue Automotive have signed a cooperation framework agreement The collaboration between these two powerful forces holds great potential!

Huawei and Deep Blue Automotive have signed a cooperation framework agreement with great potential

【phoneauto News】On August 16th, phoneauto noticed that Deep Blue Automotive’s official account posted a message: Deep Blue Automotive and Huawei Smart Car Solution have signed a cooperation framework agreement, joining forces to accelerate the era of smart electric vehicles and explore the vast blue ocean. At the same time, the official also shared a photo of the signing ceremony of the cooperation framework agreement between Huawei and Deep Blue Automotive, where Huawei’s Deputy Chairman, CEO of Consumer Business Group, and CEO of Smart Car Solution Business Unit, Richard Yu, also appeared.

Currently, Huawei is still not directly involved in the manufacturing of complete vehicles, but instead collaborates with existing car manufacturers. For example, Huawei has collaborated with Cyrus to create the AITO Wench brand, which has launched multiple models such as the Wench M5, Wench M7, Wench M5 EV, and Wench M5 Intelligent Driving Edition. Huawei has also partnered with CATL and Changan Automobile to create the Avita brand, which has already launched the Avita 11 and is expected to introduce more Avita models within the next two years. Additionally, Huawei’s collaborations with JAC Motors and Chery Automobile are also in progress. There were previous reports that Huawei and JAC Motors would jointly develop a million-yuan MPV model with a sales target of 50,000 units in the first year.

Currently, Deep Blue Automotive has performed very well in the new energy vehicle market. In July 2023, the monthly delivery volume of new energy vehicles from Deep Blue Automotive reached 13,172 units, with 9,197 units being the Deep Blue S7 model. As of August 4th, the total delivery volume of Deep Blue S7 has reached 10,239 units. Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Automotive, stated that the S7 surpassing 10,000 deliveries marks it as the “fastest new energy vehicle model to reach 10,000 deliveries after its launch”.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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