Tianjin Consumer Association Names Mercedes-Benz 4S Store for Not Providing Real Comprehensive Pricing Basis.

Tianjin Consumer Association Calls Out Mercedes-Benz 4S Store for Lacking Transparent Pricing System.

【PhoneAuto News】On November 16th, PhoneAuto noticed that according to “Fenghuang Net Finance”, the Tianjin Consumer Association recently named the Beixin Zhongping Mercedes 4S store: Mercedes 4S store did not provide a real and comprehensive pricing basis.

Tianjin Consumer Association names: Mercedes 4S store did not provide a real and comprehensive pricing basis

It is reported that in June of this year, after Ms. Du’s Mercedes car had a traffic accident, it was sent to the “Beixin Zhongping Mercedes 4S store” for dismantling and assessment. In July, after negotiations with the accident responsibility insurance company, namely “Sunshine Property Insurance Co., Ltd.”, Sunshine Insurance paid the full insurance amount of the accident vehicle as compensation, and the vehicle was not repaired and handed over to the insurance company for disposal.

Tianjin Consumer Association names: Mercedes 4S store did not provide a real and comprehensive pricing basis

“Beixin Zhongping Mercedes 4S store” demanded 10,000 yuan based on the clause in the “agreement” that states “if the vehicle is towed away by Party A during the repair process, Party A shall pay Party B for dismantling costs, assessment fees, and site occupancy fees (10% of the total amount on Party B’s assessment sheet)”. Ms. Du believed the charges were unreasonably high and asked for the pricing basis, but got no result. She complained to the Tianjin Consumer Association. After accepting the complaint, the Tianjin Consumer Association contacted the “Beixin Zhongping Mercedes 4S store” and “Sunshine Insurance” to understand the situation. The consumer, Ms. Du’s, reflection of the situation was found to be mostly true.

The Tianjin Consumer Association contacted the “Beixin Zhongping Mercedes 4S store” by telephone to communicate the situation and confirmed the receipt information. On August 31st, the association sent a complaint investigation letter to the store, inquiring about the charging standards and basis for dismantling costs, assessment fees, and site occupancy fees, but no reply was received within the specified time limit. According to the procedure, the Tianjin Consumer Association sent a complaint investigation letter urging 4S store “Beixin Zhongping Mercedes 4S store” on September 11th, but no formal reply has been received up to now.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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