Genuine blood loss! The 2022 Model S trade-in program allows you to exchange your old car for the new model at only half the original price

'Genuine blood loss! Trade-in your old car for the 2022 Model S at half the original price'

【phoneauto News】The Tesla Model S Plaid is an electric sedan with ultra-high performance and long range. Its three-motor system can output 1020 horsepower, making it one of the fastest electric cars in the world. But can such advantages maintain its value? Recently, a Model S Plaid owner wanted to trade in his car for a brand new Model X, only to find that Tesla’s appraisal of his car was only 51% of the original price.

The owner claims that he spent $119,000 to purchase a Model S Plaid with FSD Beta functionality in early 2022. At that time, Tesla was facing supply chain issues, parts shortages, and production difficulties. In order to avoid order backlog, it decided to increase prices to reduce demand. But as interest in Tesla models waned, the company had to take various measures to attract potential customers, such as various purchase incentives, discounts, and benefits introduced later on.

After driving 19,000 miles, the owner wanted to trade in his Model S Plaid for a new Tesla Model X with falcon-wing doors. He intended to use his Model S Plaid as a trade-in to reduce the cost of buying the new car. However, Tesla’s appraisal greatly disappointed him, as it was only $61,100. Since Tesla now allows new car buyers to transfer FSD Beta software for free, this appraisal did not take into account the value of this advanced driving assistance feature. But the story doesn’t end there, because this number is not final.

According to many customers who wanted to trade in Tesla models, the final appraisals they received were much lower than what was shown online. Some people saw online appraisals ranging from $36,000 to $39,000, but the actual quotes they received were only $30,400. And if some people wanted to trade in their old car while buying a new one, they had to consider a price difference of over $22,000.

Tesla’s used car trade-in prices are heavily discounted. Apart from the rapid technological iteration of electric vehicles in recent years, this also has to do with Tesla frequently adjusting its prices. Some netizens have reported that they wanted to buy a Model 3 Performance and selected one from Tesla’s inventory. The initial displayed price was $49,510. A few hours later, the price dropped to $48,980. This car lost $600 within two hours without anyone touching it!

The value of Tesla models is influenced by many factors, such as supply and demand, market competition, and technological updates. For those who want to own a Tesla electric car, they need to consider whether they can accept such price fluctuations and whether they can enjoy various discounts and services provided by Tesla in a timely manner.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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