Wait a minute, the Tears of the Waiting Party flow! Huawei Mate60 Pro overpricing reduced, affordable goods are coming soon.

Attention The Tears of the Waiting Party Are About to End! Huawei Mate60 Pro Overpricing Reduced - Affordable Goods Coming Soon!

【Mobile China News】The Huawei Mate60 series is currently in high demand in the mobile phone market, to the point where it’s practically impossible to find one. Not only that, but on some unofficial channels, there is also a common practice of marking up the price of the Huawei Mate60 series. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to buy a Huawei Mate60 series at its original price. However, according to Mobile China’s understanding, some bloggers have reported that the price mark-up on the Huawei Mate60 Pro series is decreasing, and affordable supply may soon be available. I wonder if all the fans eagerly waiting for this news will shed tears of joy?

Huawei Mate60 Pro Huawei Mate60 Pro

Recently, a blogger wrote that the price mark-up on the Huawei Mate60 Pro and Mate60 Pro+ is decreasing, and there are more sources offering them with additional cost. Affordable supply is expected to become available soon. In the comment section, some internet users inquired about the unofficial market price of the Huawei Mate60 series – how much is it being marked up now? This blogger replied, “Just a few hundred yuan.” In addition, another netizen revealed that they paid an additional 3,000 yuan for a Huawei Mate60 RS Extraordinary Master a couple of days ago. According to the blogger, this model used to be marked up by nearly 10,000 yuan.

Prepare to shed tears, fans! Reported decrease in the price mark-up of Huawei Mate60 Pro, affordable supply coming soon

All in all, the decrease in price mark-ups on the Huawei Mate60 series in the market indicates that the supply is more abundant than before. With the annual Double Eleven (November 11th) shopping festival coming up, neither consumers nor smartphone manufacturers themselves will miss such an opportunity. Therefore, Huawei should greatly increase the production capacity of the Mate60 series. Additionally, for those friends who are not in a hurry to replace their phones, waiting for Double Eleven to arrive would be a wise choice.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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