Subaru China will recall 447 imported vehicles due to issues with the dashboard wiring harness

Subaru China recalls 447 imported vehicles for dashboard wiring harness issues

【Phoneauto News】On September 22nd, according to the General Administration of Market Supervision, Subaru Automobile (China) Co., Ltd. has submitted a recall plan to the State Administration for Market Regulation in accordance with the provisions of the “Regulations on the Management of Defective Automotive Product Recalls” and the “Implementation Measures for the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automotive Product Recalls”. This means that starting from October 8th, 2023, a total of 447 imported CROSSTREK series vehicles will be recalled.

It is understood that the vehicles within the scope of this recall were produced between May 19th, 2023 and June 6th, 2023. The reason for the recall is that the wiring harness of some vehicles may interfere with the edge of the steering beam bracket, causing damage to the insulation layer of the wires and short circuits in the wire cores. This short circuit may cause a series of problems, such as instrument lights not working, brake lights not working, and the rearview camera not displaying. More importantly, the short circuit may cause the engine to shut off while driving and unable to restart, posing a threat to driving safety.

In order to solve this problem, Subaru Automobile (China) Co., Ltd. will inspect the wiring harness of the vehicles within the recall scope to confirm their condition. If a problem is found, a protective plate will be added to the edge of the steering beam bracket to prevent further interference between the wiring harness and the steering beam bracket. At the same time, if the insulation layer of the wires is damaged but the wire cores are not exposed, protective tape will be wrapped around the damaged wires; if the wire cores are exposed, the instrument panel wiring harness will be replaced to eliminate all potential safety hazards.

This recall event once again reminds us that automobile manufacturers must strictly comply with relevant regulations in the production process to ensure the safety and reliability of their products. At the same time, consumers should also enhance their understanding of automotive products so that they can take timely measures to protect their rights and interests when problems arise.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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