Volkswagen signs agreement to import and sell Bugatti and Rimac cars in the United States

Volkswagen to import and sell Bugatti and Rimac cars in the US

【Phoneauto News】Recently, according to foreign media reports, Volkswagen Group of America has signed an agreement with Bugatti Rimac to become the importer and distributor of the brand in the United States. Currently, Sascha Doering, who serves as the Chief Operating Officer of Bugatti America, is also responsible for Rimac’s sales in the United States. This agreement actually took place during the Monterey Car Week in early September, but Volkswagen is announcing it now. They plan to establish a dealer network to sell these high-end sports cars in the United States.

“For the Bugatti and Rimac brands, the United States is the most powerful single market in the world, so it is important for us to plan the sales and ownership experience for our extraordinary cars that we deliver to customers,” said Mate Rimac, CEO of Bugatti Rimac. Volkswagen Group of America was previously responsible for distributing Bugatti in the United States. This situation has changed with the establishment of the Bugatti Rimac joint venture.

The Bugatti Rimac joint venture was established in 2021. The company is headquartered in Croatia. Bugatti continues to produce in Molsheim, France. Porsche owns 45% of the company, while Rimac owns 24%.

Emilio Scervo, Chief Technology Officer of Rimac, told the media that the company hopes future vehicles will be lighter than existing ones. “Considering the new version of the Nevera, what we should definitely do is make it lighter. There are also some other adjustments to improve the rigidity of the vehicle and make the connection between the car and the driver even closer.”

Bugatti is also developing a new model. The company plans to debut it in 2024 and start deliveries in 2025. The company refers to the new car as a “rearranged hybrid hypercar.” They also describe the internal combustion engine part as “completely crazy.” It is said that potential owners have already seen this vehicle.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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