A few hundred new Tesla Model 3 vehicles are now being transported from a parking lot in Shanghai to Europe for sale

A few hundred new Tesla Model 3 vehicles are being transported from a Shanghai parking lot to Europe for sale

【phoneauto News】On September 1st, Tesla officially launched the new Model 3 in the domestic market. Compared to the original model, the new car has improved its configuration despite the price increase. Tesla stated that the new car will be delivered in the fourth quarter. In addition to the domestic market, the new Model 3 will also be launched in other countries.

Tesla’s new Model 3

Recently, a whistleblower posted on the internet that some new Tesla Model 3s produced at the Shanghai Gigafactory will be shipped to Europe for sale. In a picture provided, hundreds of new Model 3s can be seen parked in a parking lot. The vehicles in the picture come in various colors such as blue, black, and white, but white seems to be the most popular color, accounting for the majority.

Tesla’s new Model 3

The whistleblower stated that these new cars have the European Union logo, so they believe these cars are designed for export to Europe. Europe may become one of the first regions where Tesla starts delivering the new Model 3 to customers. Due to the transportation time required, the final delivery may be synchronized with the Chinese market, which is expected to start in the fourth quarter. The whistleblower also mentioned that the Tesla Shanghai factory currently produces only about 300 new Model 3s per day, which is only a small portion of the factory’s total capacity. The majority of the capacity is still mainly used for producing Model Y. However, with the increase in new car production capacity, the future production volume of Model 3 may reach one-third of the total factory output.

There are rumors that Tesla is also preparing to update the Model Y, but the current priority is to increase the production capacity of Model 3 produced in China and to produce the new Model 3 in the US factory.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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