A road sparks with lightning? BYD unveils U9 race track testing video

BYD releases U9 race track testing video with lightning sparks on road

【Phoneauto News】Owning a Ferrari or Porsche sports car may be the childhood dream of many people. However, with the arrival of the era of electric cars, future sports cars may also have to get rid of internal combustion engines and move towards electrification, and domestic car manufacturers are also at the forefront. Recently, GAC Aion’s high-end electric brand, Haobo, officially launched the electric supercar SSR. Before that, BYD Yangwang also brought another sports car, the Yangwang U9.

Yangwang U9

Recently, a video claiming to be a test video of the Yangwang U9 appeared on the internet. In the video, a Yangwang U9 is speeding on the racetrack. However, what is surprising is that the brake discs of the vehicle are glowing, as if it has participated in the Le Mans 24-hour endurance race. From the video, it can be seen that the carbon brake disc on one end of the vehicle has turned bright orange, but the brightness of the front wheels is at least twice that of the rear disc. However, from the short video, it is still difficult to determine whether this brightness is the fire emitted by the brake disc during braking or the lighting effect added by the car manufacturer. However, it must be said that, without considering safety, it does look very cool.

Video GIF circulated on the internet

Some foreign media have stated that although this situation is rare in daily life, it is not uncommon on the racetrack. Considering that the Yangwang U9 may be equipped with the same ultra-thousand horsepower motor as the U8 and may weigh over 2 tons, it is indeed not an easy task for the brake disc to withstand the test on the racetrack. It is understood that the zero to one hundred acceleration time of the Yangwang U9 only takes 2 seconds. Although this speed is 0.1 seconds slower than the Haobo SSR, it is enough to outperform many European top fuel sports cars.

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