Apple’s conference eve is marred by a huge split on Wall Street, surprisingly due to Huawei

Apple's conference eve overshadowed by Wall Street split caused by Huawei

【Phoneauto News】According to current information, Apple is set to hold a new product launch event on September 13th, Beijing time. However, there is a difference of opinion on Apple’s future stock price on Wall Street. Some hedge fund managers are cautious about Apple’s prospects, believing that Huawei’s breakthrough with the Mate60 Pro could bring greater competition pressure to Apple. Additionally, Apple’s high valuation is also seen as a major hidden risk for its stock price. Nevertheless, some analysts hold an optimistic view of Apple’s new product line, believing that Apple will enter a “mini super cycle”.

Recently, Daniel Loeb, the founder of Satori Fund, publicly stated that one of the reasons he shorted Apple’s stock was because of Huawei’s breakthrough with the Mate 60 Pro. Loeb believes that Huawei’s breakthrough in certain key functions could impact Apple’s market position, especially in the high-end smartphone market. He emphasizes that although Apple’s position in the market remains stable, Huawei’s progress has brought new competitive pressure to Apple.

Meanwhile, Daniel Ives, an analyst at investment bank Wedbush, holds an optimistic view of Apple’s prospects. He points out that with the price increase of new products, Apple is about to enter a “mini super cycle”. Ives believes that Apple’s new product line, including the upcoming iPhone 15 and Apple Watch, will drive its performance to new highs.

Currently, there are differing views on Apple among Wall Street. Some hedge fund managers are cautious about Apple’s prospects, while other analysts are optimistic. Investors need to make wise decisions based on their investment objectives and risk tolerance. It is important to consider all possible factors that may affect stock prices in the investment process.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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