Blogger Domestic supply chain replacing overseas supply, phone manufacturers will become more and more involved.

Domestic Supply Chain Replacing Overseas Supply for Bloggers Increasing Involvement of Phone Manufacturers

【Mobile China News】Compared to previous years, the pace of new product releases by mobile phone manufacturers has noticeably accelerated this year, making the smartphone market seem very “crowded”. The benefit, however, is that consumers now have more choices.

According to digital bloggers, the strong sales of Huawei and Xiaomi, along with the significant decline in iPhone sales, as well as the emergence of satellite communication and AI large-scale models, indicate a certain degree of recovery in the smartphone market. This has given domestic brands a lot of confidence. Additionally, as domestic supply chains gradually replace overseas supply systems, both the high manufacturing costs and the cumbersome research and development cycles have been greatly reduced. As a result, domestic mobile phone manufacturers are more competitive than ever.

Blogger: Domestic supply chain replacing overseas supply will make mobile phone manufacturers even more competitive

As a result, most concept stocks related to Huawei and domestic supply chain ODM listed companies have experienced stock price increases, and the increase in the domestic production rate of smartphones has boosted the confidence of the domestic market.

Blogger: Domestic supply chain replacing overseas supply will make mobile phone manufacturers even more competitive

The blogger also believes that now is a good opportunity to take away iPhone market share and pressure Apple to give up some of its market share. In fact, the strong performance of Huawei and Xiaomi has already put some pressure on Apple. According to BCI data, during the statistical period from October 30 to November 5, both Xiaomi and Huawei achieved growth rates of over 40%, with Xiaomi growing by 437,000 units and Huawei growing by 368,000 units. Although Apple’s new iPhones are still popular, their sales performance is clearly not as strong as in previous years.

In addition, the blogger mentioned that the deep maturity of supply technology has also reduced the marginal costs of the mid-to-low-end market. Now is the best time for a favorable iteration of new products. Indeed, recently, major manufacturers have been busy updating their products, and several product launches have even been scheduled for the same day.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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