Google Pixel 8 Pro’s facial recognition is a letdown brothers can easily unlock it.

Google Pixel 8 Pro's Facial Recognition Feature Falls Short – Easily Unlocks for Siblings

[Mobile China News] Google recently released the Pixel 8 series of smartphones. However, according to foreign media reports, as consumers start receiving the first batch of Pixel 8 series products, new bugs are appearing every day. According to Mobile China, foreign users have reported that the facial recognition feature of the Google Pixel 8 Pro is easily “tricked,” allowing siblings to unlock the phone at will.

Google Pixel 8 Pro Google Pixel 8 Pro

Google had emphasized the security and stability of its facial unlocking system, stating that it follows the highest Android biometric classification, Class 3, all achieved through a front-facing selfie camera. Class 3 certification means that facial unlocking can be used for sensitive tasks such as payment and login verification. However, this latest case raises questions about the actual security of the feature.

According to a Reddit user, his fraternal twin brother can use the facial unlocking function to unlock his Google Pixel 8 Pro. In his own words, “I tried it with my dad, and I think he looks more similar to me, but it (facial unlocking) doesn’t work. I guess Google thinks my brother and I are twins.”

Foreign media revealed that this marks the first challenge to the security claim of Google Pixel 8 series facial unlocking. It’s worth noting that even Apple’s Face ID has been occasionally fooled. While these biometric systems are powerful, they are not foolproof and have a certain probability of failure. Google has not yet provided an official explanation for this specific case.

Currently, the broader impact of this incident remains to be seen, as it is unclear whether this is an isolated event or a more widespread issue. With more and more users using the Pixel 8 series, the answer will become evident.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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