The iPhone 15 is about to be released, and Foxconn is crazily expanding its recruitment The highest reward is 8000 yuan

iPhone 15 release nears, Foxconn expands recruitment with top reward of 8000 yuan

【PhoneAuto News】Countdown to the release of iPhone 15 series. On June 12th, PhoneAuto learned that the latest recruitment dynamics of Foxconn’s Zhengzhou Science and Technology Park under Hon Hai revealed that the factory area continues to expand the recruitment of formal workers. This time, recruitment conditions are offered for those who quit and return to work, which is the first time this year that recruitment has been expanded for those who quit and return to work.

iPhone 14

For the first-time returnees who have worked at Foxconn for more than one month, the entry-level salary is 2200 yuan, and an incentive bonus of 7500 yuan will be given during the peak season; for those who have returned to work more than two times, the peak season incentive bonus can reach 8000 yuan. This means that Hon Hai is making every effort to assemble the new iPhone 15 series and expand the stockpile.

It is reported that the iPhone 15 series will be officially released at Apple’s autumn new product launch in September this year. The new iPhone 15 series will continue to include four models. Among them, the screens of iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max will be provided by two suppliers, Samsung and LG, and LG will undertake more than half of the screen orders for the iPhone 15 Pro series. These two models use Apple’s custom ProMotion screens, which can automatically adjust the refresh rate according to the content.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the forecast of Wedbush’s well-known analyst, Dan Ives, the iPhone 15 series to be released in September this year will be more expensive than the iPhone 14 series released last year. The average selling price (ASP) of the iPhone 15 is expected to rise. Ives believes that Apple has reason to raise prices because market demand is strong. He expects Apple to ship 235 million to 240 million iPhone 15s this year. If the average price of each phone increases by $100, then Apple will be able to earn an additional $23.5 billion.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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