Big Brother is so rich? The foldable smartphone market in India is expected to grow four times in the next two years

Big Brother is very rich as the foldable smartphone market in India is predicted to quadruple in the next two years

【Phoneauto News】Currently, the global shipment volume of smartphones is still declining, but fortunately, the rate of decline is continuously narrowing. According to estimates, there is a high probability of smartphone market recovery in the second half of 2023. In the mobile phone market, foldable screen products are still growing against the trend and rapidly increasing. Recently, Phoneauto noticed that according to Counterpoint Research’s survey data, the foldable screen smartphone market in India may grow by about four times by 2025.

Currently, in June 2023, only about 8% of smartphones sold in India are foldable screen phones. It is estimated that by the end of 2025, this number will quadruple to about 35%. At that time, for every three smartphones sold in the Indian market, one of them will be a foldable screen phone. At the same time, research company Techarc estimates that India is expected to sell 635,000 foldable smartphones this year. One of the reasons driving the growth of foldable screen smartphone sales in India is the localization of the Indian mobile phone industry. It is reported that Samsung has started producing high-performance flagship models in India, promoting the sales growth of foldable screen phones in the local market.

Currently, globally, foldable screen smartphones are growing rapidly. In the first quarter of 2023, the shipment volume of foldable screen phones increased by 64% compared to the first quarter of 2022, which is a very impressive growth rate. Among them, the growth rate of foldable screen phone shipments in China reached 117%. It is far ahead of many countries and regions, but still lagging behind India. It is reported that India’s foldable screen phone shipments in the first quarter of 2023 increased by 967% compared to the same period last year! This shows the rapid development of foldable screen phones in the Indian market.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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