Samsung S24 series battery capacity exposed S24+ may be upgraded to 4900mAh

Samsung S24 series battery capacity exposed S24+ may be upgraded to 4900mAh

【Phoneauto News】With the release of Samsung’s Z series foldable smartphones, there has been an increase in news about the next generation S24 series. On the evening of July 31st, a digital blogger released information about the battery capacity of some models in the Samsung S24 series on Weibo.

Samsung S23 series

According to the blogger, the battery capacity of the Samsung S24+ and S24 Ultra is 4755mAh and 4855mAh, respectively. The typical values are around 4900mAh and 5000mAh. The blogger also released two pictures with the codenames NL-90069 and NL-90068, which contain battery capacity data for two new Samsung models. According to the blogger, these two new Samsung models may be part of the S24 series.

Screenshot of the blogger’s Weibo post

According to previous leaks provided by insiders, Samsung will use a new design of stacked batteries in the Galaxy S24 series, which will have a higher energy density. This means that the new batteries can have a larger capacity with the same volume or a smaller volume with the same capacity. From the information released by the blogger, the battery capacity of the S24 Ultra may still be the same as the current S23 Ultra, which may indicate that the new phone has reduced volume and weight, or it provides space for more new features.

Samsung S24 engineering prototype benchmark

Also recently, the blogger released some new information about the Samsung S24 series. He stated that the screen size of the Samsung S24+ is 6.65 inches, which is very close to the 6.6-inch size of the S23+. In addition, the Samsung S24 engineering prototype appeared on a benchmark platform. It is equipped with the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen3 mobile platform, with a single-core score of 2233 and a multi-core score of up to 6661. Besides the Snapdragon version, there are rumors that Samsung’s self-developed Exynos processor will appear again in the S24 series, and its GPU performance is higher than that of the Snapdragon 8 Gen3.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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