FF 91 has passed the FMVSS crash test, and the first phase of delivery is about to begin

FF 91 passed crash test and delivery phase starting

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, according to PhoneAuto, Future Faraday (FF) officially announced that after FF 91 achieved the EPA certified 381-mile range and California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified zero-emission vehicle, FF 91 successfully passed the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) crash test in the United States.

FF 91

The news shows that FF 91 electric vehicle has successfully passed the crash test requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) in the United States. FF 91 underwent high-strength crash tests including front, side, and rear-end collisions, and passed all crash tests successfully. The unique side impact collapse zone of FF, also known as the “moat body structure” and “moat battery pack structure”, will effectively protect passengers and the vehicle battery in the event of a collision. The unique design of the side structure of FF 91 not only fully considers the protection of passengers and high-voltage battery protection but also provides sufficient space for the design of internal components of the vehicle.

FF 91

In addition, FF continued to make progress in various operational aspects, including manufacturing, sales plans, and delivery plans. On April 14, 2023, FF announced that it has completed the production of its first mass-produced electric vehicle FF 91 Futurist and rolled it off the production line at the FF ieFactory California in Hanford, California.

Furthermore, the company announced that the first phase of its three-stage delivery plan will begin on May 31st in the United States. It is reported that FF will invite eligible industry experts to purchase cars on a first-come, first-served basis and participate in a series of co-creation activities. The company will hold a co-creation day-themed event with the first batch of industry experts and users on June 6th in the United States.

On the other hand, in FF’s fully integrated sales system, users can experience the FF 91 online, and in the future, they can also experience our products in FF’s own exhibition halls and partner exhibition halls, and log in to the FF O2O platform for purchase. Partners will also be seamlessly integrated into FF’s direct sales model.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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