New product discontinued? Gree’s mobile phone team has been disbanded and the official website is currently inaccessible

Gree's mobile phone team disbanded, product discontinued and website inaccessible

【PhoneAuto News】Perhaps due to poor performance in the smartphone market, Gree no longer has the intention to make phones.

On May 19th, it was reported that Gree Electric has disbanded its core smartphone team, and the Gree smartphone official website ( is currently unavailable. However, Gree has not yet responded to this news.

Gree smartphone

An informed employee who has resigned stated that the Gree smartphone business was originally established in Zhuhai and the core team was moved to Shenzhen around 2019. The Shenzhen team includes development, testing, and administrative personnel departments, with nearly 100 people at its peak. However, since last year, the Shenzhen team has gradually disbanded, with more than 40 people remaining by mid-2022, and “the Shenzhen team has completely disbanded, and there should be no more phones made in the future.”

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However, Dong Mingzhu had previously stated that smartphones will become an indispensable part of future intelligence+, as an extension of technology, and a necessary part of enterprise’s future development. In September 2020, because there were no new phones for a long time after the release of the third generation of Gree phones that year, the outside world believed that Gree phones had failed, but Dong Mingzhu argued that Gree phones were not a failure. She said that what others think is not important, but whether they are doing the right thing is. In June of last year, Dong Mingzhu even said that Gree phones are not worse than Apple’s.

But this year, Gree phones have come with bad news: the phone team may have been disbanded, and product development may no longer continue.

Actually, this may also be related to the poor performance of the smartphone market, and Gree’s senior management may have already noticed this. According to Counterpoint’s report, global smartphone shipments in the first quarter of this year were 280.2 million units, down 14% and 7% year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter, respectively. The smartphone market has become smaller and smaller, but Gree’s competitors are strong.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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