Oh no! Indian companies will participate in the production of iPhone 15 Plus Is this a lottery?

Indian companies to produce iPhone 15 Plus, is this a lottery?

【PhoneAuto News】Currently, China is the most important production base for Apple’s products, with the vast majority of iPhones, iPads, and computers being produced in mainland China. However, Apple is also trying to change this situation by shifting more production capacity to Vietnam and India. Previously, it was reported that local Indian companies would participate in the first batch of iPhone 15 series supply, but only for the standard version of the iPhone 15, while the higher-priced Plus, Pro, and Pro Max models would still be produced by Chinese factories. However, PhoneAuto recently noticed that this news seems to be inconsistent with the actual situation.

According to overseas media reports, the Indian local company Tata Group has received orders for the next generation of iPhone 15 and 15 Plus models, which will debut later this year. This indicates that this Indian company will directly participate in the first batch of supply for the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus.

Fortunately, relevant research companies have stated that this Indian enterprise group will only receive a small portion of the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus production, approximately only 5%. Foxconn and Luxshare will be responsible for producing 70% and 25% of the iPhone 15 standard version, while Luxshare and Changshuo will be responsible for 60% and 35% of the iPhone 15 Plus version. In addition, the Pro and Pro Max versions of iPhone 15 will mainly (about 70%) be produced by Foxconn, with the remaining portion being produced by Changshuo.

It is worth noting that, according to Apple’s past operations, it is normal for new suppliers to receive a small portion of the production share, and if everything goes well, Tata Group’s share may gradually increase, even producing higher-positioned iPhone models.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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