Apple is being sued again! 1,500 British developers are claiming 72 billion yuan in damages due to the store’s commission

Apple is facing another lawsuit as 1,500 British developers demand 72 billion yuan in damages for the store's commission

【phoneauto News】On July 25th, phoneauto noticed that, according to the report from “Phoenix Technology” website, more than 1,500 British developers filed a collective lawsuit against Apple due to the issue of App Store commission, seeking a compensation of £785 million (approximately RMB 7.2 billion).

Professor Sean Ennis, from the University of East Anglia’s Centre for Competition Policy and former economist at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), filed the lawsuit on behalf of 1,566 app developers to the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal. The law firm Geradin Partners provided consultation for him. Ennis stated in a statement, “Apple charges developers excessively high commissions, which it is able to do so because it monopolizes app distribution on iPhones and iPads. These fees themselves are unfair and constitute abusive pricing practices, harming the interests of app developers and app purchasers.”

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time Apple has been sued over commission issues. One of the more notable cases recently was the conflict between Apple and Epic Games. Starting from 2020, Apple and Epic were in conflict over commission issues regarding the game “Fortnite”, and the two parties went to court multiple times. In 2021, after a trial, the court ruled that Apple did not violate antitrust laws nor was it a monopolist, and Epic appealed. In April 2023, Epic’s appeal was rejected, and the court upheld the original judgment. However, the judge also determined that Apple had violated California’s unfair competition law. In June 2023, Apple and Epic jointly requested the US court to reconsider the antitrust ruling.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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