BMW China announced an emergency donation of 15 million yuan to support Beijing’s flood control and disaster relief efforts

BMW China donated 15 million yuan to aid Beijing's flood control and disaster relief efforts

【phoneauto News】On August 3rd, phoneauto noticed that the typhoon “Du Sui Rui” caused severe rainstorms and floods in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. In response to the disaster, BMW China has allocated urgently needed resources and donated 15 million yuan to the Beijing Charity Association. This donation will be used to purchase daily necessities, emergency rescue equipment, and post-disaster reconstruction work in the affected areas, such as Mentougou District and Fangshan District in Beijing. BMW stated that BMW China is working together with all sectors of society to contribute to the rescue and disaster relief efforts.

At the end of July, Typhoon “Du Sui Rui”, the fifth typhoon of this year, bypassed the islands of the Philippines and made landfall in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, along the coast at 9:55 am on July 28th. At the time of landing, the maximum wind speed near the center was 15th grade (50 meters/second, strong typhoon level), making it the second strongest typhoon to hit Fujian since 1949. Currently, more than ten provinces in the country have been affected by Du Sui Rui. In the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Du Sui Rui caused severe rainstorms, floods, and other geological disasters.

It is worth mentioning that many companies are currently donating to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to assist in disaster relief and reconstruction work. In addition to BMW China’s donation of 15 million yuan announced this time, Xiaomi Charity Foundation announced a donation of 25 million yuan to support Beijing, Hebei, and other places; BYD decided to donate 20 million yuan to support the rainstorm-stricken areas; Ant Group announced on its WeChat public account that it will donate 10 million yuan to Beijing and Hebei each, totaling 20 million yuan through the Ant Charity Foundation; Apple CEO Tim Cook stated in a post, “We are concerned about the people in Beijing and the surrounding areas of Hebei Province who have been severely affected by the rainstorms and floods. Apple will donate to support local disaster relief efforts.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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