BYD’s car sales in July exceeded 260,000 units, with exports reaching 18,000 units

BYD sold over 260,000 cars in July, including 18,000 units exported

【phoneauto News】Recently, phoneauto noticed that BYD Auto has released the latest car market performance for July 2023. According to official information, BYD’s monthly car sales reached 362,161 units, with passenger car sales reaching 261,105 units, achieving a growth of up to 61% compared to the same period in 2022. At the same time, BYD’s car production in July 2023 reached 272,414 units, an increase of approximately 66.76% compared to the same period in 2022.

BYD Auto

Among them, in July 2023, BYD’s Dynasty and Ocean series models achieved a monthly sales volume of 249,959 units, an increase of 54.1% compared to the same period in 2022; Tengshi Auto’s car sales in July 2023 reached 11,146 units; BYD’s car exports in July 2023 reached 18,169 units. Currently, BYD’s cumulative car sales in 2023 have reached 1.509 million units, an increase of 87.63% compared to the same period in 2022. The cumulative sales of new energy vehicles have exceeded 4.8 million units, making it one of the largest new energy vehicle companies in China.

Sales data

In addition, it is worth mentioning that besides the impressive performance of new energy vehicles, BYD’s power battery business has also achieved good results. It is reported that in July 2023, BYD’s total installed capacity of new energy vehicle power batteries and energy storage batteries reached 12.406 GWh, and the cumulative installed capacity of power batteries and energy storage batteries in 2023 reached 72.655 GWh. According to relevant institutions’ statistics, BYD is currently the world’s second-largest power battery company, second only to CATL, but the power batteries it produces are mainly supplied to its own products.

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