Google Pixel Fold DXOMARK image score announced 133 points, ranking first in foldable screens

Google Pixel Fold achieves the highest DXOMARK image score of 133 points among foldable screens

【Phoneauto News】On the evening of July 25th, DXOMARK officially announced the DXOMARK image and audio scores of the Google Pixel Fold. The phone achieved good results in both tests, ranking among the top foldable phones.

Google Pixel Fold

DXOMARK stated that the Google Pixel Fold scored a total of 133 points in the image test, ranking first among foldable phones in the organization. As Google’s first foldable phone, the Pixel Fold’s highlight is its autofocus system, which provides accurate focusing even in complex lighting conditions. Photos and videos taken with this device have a wide dynamic range and neutral white balance. In HDR conditions, such as backlit scenes, the Pixel Fold has excellent contrast rendering and generally good exposure. In addition, the device maintains low levels of noise in bright lighting conditions and indoor environments.

Google Pixel Fold Image Score

However, the Pixel Fold also has some issues. In low-light conditions, nighttime environments, and high-contrast scenes, the noise level of the Google Pixel Fold may increase. Gradient blurring and obvious depth estimation artifacts may occur in portrait mode. Video clips under all conditions show unstable exposure and white balance.

The audio test scored a total of 133 points, ranking third among foldable phones. With its pleasing sound characteristics from the built-in speakers, the Pixel Fold achieved a score of 135 in audio playback, making it the best foldable phone in terms of playback performance tested by DXOMARK so far. In terms of recording, the microphone is not easily affected by wind noise and finger obstruction in most recording applications.

Google Pixel Fold audio score

However, when the Pixel Fold is in the unfolded state and using the main camera for recording, its recording performance is slightly decreased; and due to the recording application of this device only supports mono recording, its performance is further decreased when using this application for recording; in addition, due to the larger size of this device in the unfolded state, it should have achieved a wider stereo sound presentation, but the Pixel Fold has become one of the foldable devices that cannot convert its form advantages into audio performance advantages.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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