Over 1,500 developers in the UK are claiming $1 billion from Apple, expressing dissatisfaction with excessive commission fees

1,500 UK developers claim $1 billion from Apple due to high commission fees

【Phoneauto News】According to foreign media reports, recently, Professor Sean Ennis, representing 1,566 application developers, filed a lawsuit against Apple in the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal, claiming 785 million pounds (approximately 1 billion US dollars).

It is reported that the reason for the claim is that Apple’s App Store charges developers 15% to 30% commission, which is considered excessively high. “These fees themselves are unfair and constitute price abuse. They not only harm the interests of application developers, but also harm the interests of application buyers,” Ennis said in a statement.

According to Phoneauto, Apple’s services business (including the App Store) has seen rapid growth in revenue in recent years, with quarterly revenue currently at around $20 billion. However, Apple’s practice of charging developers 15% to 30% commission on in-app purchases has been criticized by application developers and has become the target of anti-monopoly regulatory agencies in multiple countries.

Apple previously stated that 85% of developers on the App Store do not have to pay any commission and help European developers access markets and customers in 175 countries through the App Store. However, the issue of “cut” in Apple’s App Store has been controversial worldwide. In May 2022, the European Union filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple’s payment services. It is reported that high-level executives in the US technology industry, such as Tesla CEO Musk and Facebook CEO Zuckerberg, have publicly protested against the “Apple tax”.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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