OnePlus 618 final battle report! OnePlus Ace 2 won the JDcom sales championship with over 2500 Android devices sold

OnePlus Ace 2 won JDcom sales championship with 2500+ Android devices sold in the final battle report of OnePlus 618

【PhoneAuto News】On June 19th, the Oneplus 618 ultimate battle report was released! With the explosive sales of Oneplus 11, Oneplus Ace 2, and Oneplus Ace 2V, Oneplus became the second-best-selling brand of Android phones on, priced above 2000 yuan, with a 362% year-on-year increase in sales across all channels, leading the industry in growth momentum. Oneplus’ sales and revenue on, Tmall, and Pinduoduo platforms were among the top three of Android phones, and its sales on Douyin platform achieved a super speed growth of 300% year-on-year.

Among them, Oneplus Ace 2, as the benchmark of Oneplus’ comprehensive flagship performance phone, continued its phenomenal performance in the first half of the year during the 618 period, becoming the best-selling Android phone above 2500 yuan on and above 2000 yuan on Pinduoduo.

Oneplus 618 ultimate battle report

Behind the outstanding performance is Oneplus’ continuous pursuit of “doing good products”. In December last year, Oneplus officially launched its dual-brand strategy, becoming OPPO’s pioneer brand for performance, and continuously launched three “nuclear bomb-level” products, Oneplus 11, Oneplus Ace 2, and Oneplus Ace 2V, in the first half of this year, breaking industry conventions with highly competitive product strength and receiving wide user praise. During this year’s 618 event, all three products came with sincere discount policies.

Oneplus 11 continues the Oneplus digital series’ consistent quality design and powerful performance, featuring the second-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform and providing a maximum storage combination of 16GB+512GB. It also debuted four black technologies, including memory gene recombination technology, ultra-frame and ultra-picture engine, bionic vibration motor, and game cloud computing private network, breaking the four Android impossibilities in memory management, game picture quality, motor experience, and weak network games, bringing a new peak of Android phone performance experience. Oneplus 11 also continues its collaboration with Hasselblad, bringing users a distinctive Hasselblad story-driven imaging on top of flagship-level imaging configuration.

OnePlus 11

OnePlus also brings two new products in the Ace series for mid-range mobile phone users. Among them, OnePlus Ace 2 is equipped with the full-blooded Snapdragon 8+ flagship chip and the highest combination of 16GB+512GB flagship storage, combined with exclusive memory gene recombination technology, to achieve an extremely smooth performance experience. Its excellent product power not only performed well in this year’s 618 shopping festival, but also set multiple sales records, including breaking the one-year first-day sales record of all Android phones within 37 minutes of the initial sale. In addition, it remained at the top of the sales charts for all Android models on both and Tmall platforms for the first month of sales.

OnePlus Ace 2

As another flagship product in the OnePlus Ace series this year, OnePlus Ace 2V brings the flagship experience to the masses in terms of performance, appearance, and screen. It is equipped with the flagship mobile platform MediaTek Dimensity 9000 5G, and forms a super-strong performance combination with UFS3.1 and LPDDR5X, achieving a score of over one million and becoming the highest-scoring model on the same platform. The appearance design continues OnePlus’ consistent good feel, and is the first to completely eliminate the plastic support for the screen, bringing a flagship-level grip feel through two glass processes. During the 618 shopping festival, OnePlus also launched the OnePlus Ace 2V 1TB version, further popularizing the flagship experience in terms of storage.

OnePlus Ace 2V

Li Jie, president of OnePlus China, said: “Behind these achievements, there are only four words in essence: make good products. I have always told my colleagues internally that the sex-to-price ratio without product power is a false proposition! Our product concept is to focus on making good products first, and then consider cost and price. The fact proves that OnePlus’ product approach has been followed and imitated by competitors, ultimately benefiting the industry and users. With good products, gaining user love is a matter of course.”

During the second half of this year, OnePlus will continue to initiate “speed and passion” and bring more new products and surprises.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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