Sale price hits a new low! Information about the Moto Razr40 Ultra folding screen leaks out

Sale price reaches new low! Moto Razr40 Ultra folding screen info leaked

【PhoneAuto News】Currently, Motorola has officially announced that they will release a new foldable smartphone on May 31. Previously, overseas media leaked that the price of this model is $1000, and the price of some models may be even lower. Compared with the previous generations of Motorola foldable smartphones, the new machine undoubtedly sets a new low in terms of price. On May 23, PhoneAuto noticed the latest news that Motorola’s new machine has been officially listed on a website in the Middle East.

Although it has not been officially released yet, PhoneAuto has noticed that the Motorola Razr40 Ultra foldable smartphone has already leaked information on a foreign website. According to the information on the website, the price of this model is 3999 riyals (the currency of Saudi Arabia), which is equivalent to approximately 88,000 Indian rupees. Moreover, this model offers at least three different colors: red, blue, and green, and the starting version provides 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage space. From this perspective, the Motorola Razr40 Ultra foldable smartphone will be competitive. In the Chinese market, the price of this phone should be lower than the international market.

According to relevant information, the Motorola Razr40 Ultra foldable smartphone will be equipped with a flagship mobile platform from Qualcomm, with good performance output and a 6.9-inch OLED display screen. At the same time, this phone will be equipped with the Android 13 operating system, a rear camera with 32 million + 8 million pixels, and a front camera that supports up to 13 million pixels. In addition, this phone will also support wireless charging.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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