Foreign media reviews iPhone 15 Pro Max with only one drawback expensive price.

iPhone 15 Pro Max Receives Rave Reviews from Foreign Media, Though Cost Remains Its Only Downside

【Mobile China News】In mid-September, Apple held a grand autumn product launch, unveiling the brand new iPhone 15 series to the world. This series consists of four versions: iPhone 15 standard, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, and 15 Pro Max. Among these four models, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is undoubtedly the most sought after by consumers, but also the most expensive. Recently, Mobile China noticed that foreign media BGR reviewed the iPhone 15 Pro Max and found only one drawback: the high price.

Foreign media reviews iPhone 15 Pro Max with only one drawback: expensive price

Currently, the iPhone 15 Pro Max starts at 9999 yuan, the 256GB version is priced at 9999 yuan, the 512GB version is priced at 11999 yuan, and the 1TB version is priced at 13999 yuan.

According to teardown reports, the material cost of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is about 4079 yuan, with component costs accounting for 47%, a 12% increase compared to its predecessor, the iPhone 14 Pro Max. Among them, the screen cost has increased by 10%, the cost of the titanium metal frame has increased by 43%, and the cost of the A17 Pro chip is 27% more expensive than the A16 Bionic. Moreover, the value of the telephoto camera and its periscopic prism system has increased by 3.8 times compared to its predecessor.

Foreign media reviews iPhone 15 Pro Max with only one drawback: expensive price

All in all, although the iPhone 15 Pro Max is priced higher, its outstanding performance and innovative design still make it a hot product on the market.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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