Xiaomi’s global sales hit a new high since Q3 2021! Today, the stock price rose nearly 4%.

Xiaomi Achieves Record Global Sales in Q3 2021, Boosting Stock Price by Nearly 4%

【Mobile China News】On October 17th, market research firm Canalys released its latest global mobile phone market report for Q3 2023. It shows that Xiaomi smartphones, driven by high-end and global trends, continue to maintain a recovery growth trend, firmly holding the third position globally and reaching a new high since Q3 21 years ago.

Xiaomi's global sales reach a new high since Q3 21 years ago! Stock price rises by nearly 4% today

According to Canalys’ latest data, the global smartphone market experienced a slight 1% decline in Q3 2023, with a slowdown in the rate of decline.

Although Samsung saw a slight year-on-year decline, it still maintains a leading market share of 20%; Apple ranks second with a market share of 17%. Xiaomi ranks third with a market share of 14%, and its unit shipments are recovering on a yearly and quarterly basis. OPPO (including OnePlus) ranks fourth with a market share of 9% due to its strong position in the Asia-Pacific region. Itel has climbed into the top five with a market share of 9% and significant year-on-year growth. Beyond the top five, Huawei has made significant breakthroughs in the domestic market driven by the new Mate series.

Xiaomi's global sales reach a new high since Q3 21 years ago! Stock price rises by nearly 4% today

“The new product releases from Huawei and Apple ignited the market this quarter, overshadowing the updates of many flagship series from other manufacturers,” said Canalys analyst Amber Liu. The new models of Huawei’s Mate series, equipped with the latest Kirin chips, have received enthusiastic responses from consumers in China. Operators are rushing to stock up on Huawei devices to meet the surging demand. At the same time, Apple is strengthening its new iPhone 15 series, offering better performance and features to continuously stimulate demand. On the other hand, Samsung is reducing its focus on the entry-level market to ensure profitability, while Xiaomi and Itel have quickly seized the opportunity of the rebound in emerging markets by providing competitive products and channel cooperation strategies. If Xiaomi and Itel can sustain their successful strategies, these short-term profits could turn into sustainable growth opportunities.

Lei Jun officially announces Xiaomi's new systemLei Jun officially announces Xiaomi’s new system

It is worth mentioning that on October 17th, Xiaomi officially announced the launch of the all-new “Xiaomi Surging OS”, and the first phone to be equipped with the new system is the Xiaomi 14, which has started production at the factory. Influenced by these dual positive news, Xiaomi Group’s stock price rose rapidly by nearly 4% today.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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