Long queues form at the stores! Huawei P60 Pro starts its first sale in Malaysia

Huawei P60 Pro begins first sale in Malaysia, causing long store queues

【PhoneAuto News】On May 20th, Beijing time, Huawei officially announced that the Huawei P60 Pro had its first sale in Malaysia. Many consumers came to the store to purchase it as soon as it was available, experiencing Huawei’s flagship imaging capabilities firsthand. Huawei will continue to work hard to bring better products and services to global users. Judging from the on-site pictures, Malaysian consumers have a very high enthusiasm for the Huawei P60 Pro, and the store once again had long queues, which will also be an important signal for Huawei’s return to the global market.

As Huawei’s imaging flagship to be released in 2023, the Huawei P60 series was released in the domestic market on March 23rd. Its lightweight body and excellent imaging experience have made it a new favorite of many consumers. Later, from May 9th to 11th, Huawei held overseas press conferences in the four major regions of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America, promoting the P60 series, Mate X3, and a series of new products to the world, and landing localization cooperation. It has received high recognition from overseas media and users. Nowadays, the Huawei P60 Pro’s first sale in Malaysia has given Huawei more confidence in its strong return to the global market.

The Huawei P60 Pro comes in four colors: Feather Sand Black, Feather Veil Purple, Fei Leng Cui, and Loco Coco White. Among them, Loco Coco White uses a unique polished shell process, which incorporates natural materials, condenses gloss, natural textures, and makes each one unique. It also has Super Zoom XMAGE imaging, Super Night Vision Long Focus, F2.1 large aperture, which brings super large light intake and supports a 200x zoom range. The Super Zoom main camera has an F1.4-F4.0 physical aperture, ten levels of variability, long-focus micro-distances, micro-macro, and XMAGE color style, making the image more colorful.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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