Announcement of the Wanjie Xin M7 Delivery and Care Plan Delivery delayed, with a subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan.

Wanjie Xin M7 Delivery and Care Plan Delayed Delivery Announcement with Up to 10,000 Yuan Subsidy

【PhoneAuto News】With the launch of the new Wanjie M7, it has attracted a lot of attention in the market with a starting price of 249,800 yuan. It is understood that the pre-orders for the new car have exceeded 60,000 units, which has raised concerns about whether the vehicles can be delivered on time. On October 17th, AITO Wanjie announced the new M7 delivery care plan, which has provided peace of mind for users who are worried about delays in delivery after purchasing the car.

Wanjie M7

In the announcement, Wanjie stated that if there is a delay in delivery, users will be able to enjoy a delivery care subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan. It is reported that Wanjie M7 users who complete the pre-order payment before November 30, 2023 (inclusive), from the date when the delivery plan is confirmed on the AITO App to the date when the vehicle arrives at the store, if it exceeds the corresponding waiting period in the table below, they can receive a cash subsidy for delivery care based on the exceeded number of days (vehicle arrival date – delivery plan confirmation date – waiting period). The standard subsidy for exceeding the waiting period is 200 yuan per day, up to a maximum of 10,000 yuan.

Wanjie M7 Delivery Care Plan

According to the subsidy plan announced by Wanjie, for users who made the pre-order payment before October 16th (inclusive), the waiting time for the new M7 Plus is 4 weeks, and for the new M7 Max is 6 weeks. For users who make the pre-order payment between October 17th and November 30th (inclusive), the waiting time for the Plus version and Max version is extended to 8 weeks and 10 weeks, respectively. Once the above waiting time is exceeded, users can enjoy a cash subsidy of 200 yuan per day. Users can confirm the subsidy amount and distribution method with the delivery specialist at the time of delivery.

Wanjie M7 Pre-order Quantity

Wanjie also expressed gratitude in the announcement for everyone’s support for the AITO Wanjie brand! After the launch of the new M7, the orders have been booming, and AITO Wanjie is producing at full capacity. Please rest assured that we will produce and deliver the vehicles to everyone as quickly as possible with the best quality assurance.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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