China Speed! BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle will roll off the production line on August 9th

BYD's 5 millionth new energy vehicle will be produced on August 9th, showcasing China's rapid progress

【phoneauto News】On August 6th, @BYD official blog announced that in 3 days, which is August 9th, BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle will officially roll off the production line. It is understood that it took 1 year for BYD’s new energy vehicle sales to go from 1 million to 2 million, and only 6 months from 2 million to 3 million. However, just 9 months later, BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle is about to be produced, averaging 7,407 new energy vehicles per day, which is remarkable.

According to reports, BYD has nine production bases in China. In addition to the Xiangyang factory, the other eight factories have all been put into operation, with a total production capacity exceeding 1.95 million vehicles per year. It is worth noting that BYD is also actively expanding into overseas markets and is expected to build factories in multiple countries, further increasing production capacity.

According to BYD’s sales data released on August 1st, its sales in July were 262,161 vehicles, of which passenger car sales reached 261,105 vehicles, achieving a staggering 61% growth compared to the same period in 2022. From January to June 2023, BYD’s cumulative passenger car sales reached 1,509,266 vehicles.

BYD’s two major sales networks, Wangchao and Haiyang, sold a total of 249,959 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 54.1%; Tengshi brand sold 11,146 vehicles in July. In addition, BYD exported 18,169 passenger cars in July, and a total of 92,458 cars from January to July.

According to this sales data, BYD’s cumulative car sales this year reached 1.509 million vehicles, an increase of 87.63% compared to the same period in 2022. The historical cumulative sales of new energy vehicles have exceeded 4.8 million vehicles. With BYD’s monthly sales exceeding 200,000 vehicles, achieving 5 million sales only requires one month.

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