Guangzhou Automobile Group responds to Guangzhou Mitsubishi’s temporary shutdown Fully committed to promoting corporate relief and transformation

Guangzhou Automobile Group fully supports Guangzhou Mitsubishi's temporary shutdown and is dedicated to promoting corporate relief and transformation

【Phoneauto News】On July 13th, Phoneauto noticed that according to the previously circulated news of Guangzhou Automobile Group Mitsubishi Motors (GAC Mitsubishi) ceasing production and downsizing, Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC Group) responded by stating that currently, the three shareholders of GAC Mitsubishi are making every effort to promote the company’s restructuring and relief work. GAC Mitsubishi will optimize the personnel structure in accordance with actual conditions, laws, and regulations, and make the utmost effort to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees.

At noon on July 13th, an internal notice from GAC Mitsubishi was widely circulated on the internet. According to the information in the notice, GAC Mitsubishi stated that the automotive industry is undergoing a disruptive transformation. Currently, GAC Mitsubishi’s products are affected by market transformation, and sales have fallen far short of expectations, resulting in operational difficulties. In the context of industry changes, after careful discussion by the company’s management and shareholders, GAC Mitsubishi officially entered a temporary production halt phase in June. In order to adapt to the trend and seize the opportunities of new energy transformation, the company will undergo a rebirth. At the same time, GAC Mitsubishi has officially announced the employee placement plan. The company’s human resources department is leading the efforts, coordinating with various departments to address employee demands and promote the implementation of the placement plan.

According to the latest data previously released by GAC Group, in June 2023, GAC Group’s automobile production reached 232,400 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 42%. Automobile sales reached 234,300 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 41.16%. Among them, GAC Mitsubishi’s production in June was 2,661 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 57.08%, and sales were 1,806 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 62.38%. Meanwhile, in the first half of 2023, GAC Mitsubishi’s cumulative production was 16,094 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 47.49%, and cumulative sales were 30,006 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 54.18%.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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