Henan prospective car owners are in luck The car purchasing subsidy policy will be extended until the end of 2023

Henan car buyers are in luck! The car subsidy policy will be extended until the end of 2023

【Phoneauto News】On August 7th, Phoneauto noticed that according to relevant information, the car subsidy policy previously implemented in Henan Province has been extended until the end of 2023. Consumers who plan to buy cars can continue to enjoy the official car subsidies provided in the coming months of this year.

It is reported that the General Office of the People’s Government of Henan Province issued a notice on the implementation of several policy measures to expand consumption. The notice pointed out that the car subsidy policy will be extended until the end of December 2023. Consumers who purchase new cars in the province will be subsidized at 5% of the car price (up to a maximum of 10,000 yuan per vehicle). The provincial and municipal governments will subsidize half of the amount, and the specific subsidy standards and methods will be formulated and implemented by local governments in combination with actual conditions.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that Henan Province has extended the car subsidy policy. Previously, in April 2023, the People’s Government of Henan Province issued the “Several Policy Measures to Further Promote Consumption”, which stated that the car subsidy policy would be extended until the end of June 2023. Therefore, this is at least the second official extension of the car subsidy policy.

At the same time, Henan Province also stated that it will support local governments to introduce preferential policies for parking new energy vehicles in accordance with actual conditions, and encourage the exemption of parking fees for motor vehicles during the charging period of new energy vehicles. The consumption subsidy policy for smart electronic products and household appliances will be extended until the end of December 2023, and the provincial finance will provide awards and subsidies up to 30% of the actual financial subsidy expenditure of each locality. Support local governments to formulate and implement special policies to promote consumption in rural areas for automobiles and household appliances based on actual conditions, encourage large automobile sales enterprises and household appliance sales enterprises to carry out joint promotion activities, and provide appropriate support from the provincial finance, with a deadline set at the end of December 2023.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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