May 24th debut! Aston Martin releases teaser images of the all-new DB GT model

Aston Martin teases new DB GT model, debuting on May 24th

【PhoneAuto News】On May 15th, PhoneAuto learned from foreign media that Aston Martin has officially released three teaser images of its new generation DB GT. In addition to the images, this British supercar brand also announced that the new car will be officially unveiled on May 24th local time.

Aston Martin DB series new car

From the released teaser images, it can be seen that the new car still uses Aston Martin’s family design language, with the iconic large area chrome-plated horizontal strip grille matching with the muscular lines on the engine compartment, making the vehicle’s sporty feel overflow from the screen. Aston Martin stated that this new car is not just a new DB series model, but also a new category of vehicle that “will break away from the traditional constraints of GT models”.

Aston Martin DB series new car

As for the interior, Aston Martin showcased the central console filled with buttons for this car. From the pictures, we can see the buttons for the vehicle’s suspension settings and what appears to be a control button for active exhaust function. The vehicle also comes equipped with body stability and traction control systems, driving assistance functions, heated/ventilated seats, air conditioning control, and stereo sound control. The display screen above shows the air conditioning control interface, and in the middle of the console is a prominent engine start-stop button.

Aston Martin DB series new car interior

As for the powertrain, it is still unknown. Previously, photographers who have seen the test vehicle claimed that the vehicle may be equipped with a V12 engine based on the engine sound, but there are also rumors that Aston Martin’s V12 will no longer be used and will instead be equipped with the same hybrid system as the Aston Martin Valhalla. This hybrid system consists of a 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine + dual-drive motor, with a total output power exceeding 1000 horsepower.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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