Yu Chengdong claims that Huawei smartphones are on the road to recovery This time, Mate60 is stable!

Yu Chengdong claims Huawei smartphones, specifically the Mate60, are stable and on the road to recovery

【PhoneAuto News】On the afternoon of August 4th, Huawei held the Developer Conference 2023, and Huawei’s Executive Director, Yu Chengdong, took the stage to deliver a speech. He stated that the HarmonyOS ecosystem has gone through a difficult four years, and looking back, the light boat has already passed through countless mountains. Huawei phones are on the path of return. If there are no unexpected circumstances, the Mate60 series will be updated as scheduled. Yu Chengdong’s statement undoubtedly injects confidence into consumers who are eagerly anticipating this new device.

According to Yu Chengdong, in the second quarter of 2023, Huawei’s market share of smartphones increased by 76.1%, ranking second in the high-end market. The HarmonyOS ecosystem has over 700 million devices, with API daily calls exceeding 59 billion, and the number of active users of the development tool DevEco surpassing 400,000.

Yu Chengdong also expressed on Weibo that he is delighted to once again gather with everyone at HDC.Together and thanks global developers for their strong support of the HarmonyOS ecosystem! We started from scratch in 2019, and today the HarmonyOS ecosystem has reached 700 million devices, with over 2.2 million HarmonyOS developers. HarmonyOS is making steady progress, building a rich and prosperous new ecosystem with more devices, more applications, and more diversified services, providing the world with another choice, a better choice!

At the same time, the HarmonyOS ecosystem has also received increasing support from national universities and provincial governments. Currently, there are more than 300 universities across the country actively involved in building the HarmonyOS ecosystem, with campus developer activities covering over 100,000 individuals. Three provinces have taken the lead in issuing talent support policies, with partners releasing over 1,000 job positions for talent.

According to the content of the press conference, HarmonyOS 4 brings four upgrades, including more personalized design, smarter services, an AI assistant that understands you better, and a brand-new Ark engine. The arrival of the live window will change the interaction of Huawei phones, while the new Ark engine will make HarmonyOS phones more and more user-friendly.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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