Shanghai’s double-decker sightseeing buses will be retired in September and new buses may be permanently discontinued

Shanghai's double-decker sightseeing buses will be retired in September, and new buses may be permanently discontinued

【PhoneAuto News】In many tourist cities, tourists taking sightseeing buses to visit local attractions is a convenient and fun thing to do, so it has become a popular choice for many tourists. However, for tourists who have not yet visited Shanghai, the double-decker sightseeing bus that connects Shanghai’s popular tourist attractions will say goodbye to people at the latest in September this year.

Shanghai open-top double-decker sightseeing bus (source: The Paper)

“At the latest in September this year, our open-top double-decker sightseeing bus will be withdrawn from the market,” said Zhou Weihong, deputy general manager of Spring Airlines Tours, in an interview with reporters. Because the current vehicles have reached the end of their service life, and new vehicles are no longer being produced, the open-top double-decker sightseeing bus that once led the trend of urban tourism in Shanghai may say goodbye. In 2010, Spring Airlines Tours customized eight open-top double-decker buses. Starting in September of that year, the bright red urban tourism open-top double-decker buses shuttled through the streets and alleys of Shanghai. These eight buses are also the only open-top double-decker buses in Shanghai, and they were welcomed by local residents and tourists after they were launched.

Shanghai open-top double-decker sightseeing bus (source: The Paper)

“The best-performing sightseeing bus in Shanghai is definitely the open-top double-decker bus,” said Zhu Weihua, a double-decker sightseeing bus driver, sharing his experience with reporters. The sightseeing bus has a fixed route, a slow speed, and the route mostly selects open and scenic areas. For experienced drivers, driving is not very stressful. The upper deck of the open-top double-decker bus has more than 50 seats, and the lower deck has more than 20 seats. The driver’s cab has a screen, and the driver can monitor the situation on both upper and lower decks.

Shanghai Open-top Double-decker Sightseeing Bus (source: The Paper)

However, according to the regulations on the use of Chinese sightseeing buses, the service life of sightseeing buses that have been in operation for 13 years has expired and they must be scrapped and cannot be applied for extension. This also means that under this regulation, the last 8 open-top buses in Shanghai will also be phased out of the market by September this year at the latest. What’s even more sad is that, unlike in the past, there is no manufacturing standard for open-top double-decker buses in the current technical documents, and manufacturers naturally no longer produce this type of vehicle. This means that after the above-mentioned vehicles are scrapped, it will be difficult to have new replacement models.

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